Terms and Conditions of Sale for Courses,

Memberships and Programs

The terms and conditions set out below apply to your purchase of The Product PR Course, PR Hub and Christmas PR Wrapped Up offered by Louise Cox PR. Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under law and set out the terms under which Louise Cox PR (“we”, “us” or “our”) provide services to you, as purchaser of The Product PR Course, PR Hub and/or Christmas PR Wrapped Up. These terms are subject to any rights you have under consumer law to which we are bound to and which cannot be waived.

1. The Product PR Course
The Product PR Course is a self-study course which teaches everything you need to know to get your product-based business featured in the press.

1.1 Course Specifics
Following successful purchase of The Product PR Course you will receive access to 5 hours of pre-recorded video trainings with workbooks, checklists and templates.

You will then have the opportunity to work through the course material in your own time. The course provides strategies to help you set intentions for your future.

The course has been tried and tested by individuals who are over the age of 18 and from various different backgrounds. In working through the material, they have been able to achieve press coverage for their business. This is a personal course for you to complete entirely at your own speed. For best results it is recommended that you under-take each module separately and allow for a short period of reflection in between each module.

Whilst all those who have taken the course to date have achieved the desired results, it is not possible to provide any guarantees that you will experience any specific results. Failure to complete the self-study materials will limit your ability to benefit from the information provided and will significantly limit any results. The course is not bespoke and includes general advice should you feel that you need additional support, such as 1:1 support, that can be provided separately at an additional cost.

It is not intended that you will finish the course with a complete and detailed marketing and PR plan. The Product PR Course provides strategies and methods to help you get featured in the press to reach new audiences. It is your individual responsibility to apply what is shared and taught in the course to your personal circumstances both during the course and afterwards. Each individual is unique and their starting position and commitment to the course is unique to them. The aim is that following completion of the course you will have new information, strategies and techniques to help you get your products featured in the media. Please be aware that the course is delivered entirely in English and no translations are provided for videos or text.

1.2 Payment Terms
The cost of the program is £397 and this can be made as one-off payment or in 3 monthly payments of £135 and all purchases are final. (Please see below for details about refunds). A receipt will be issued for each payment made.

Payment monthly is a payment plan for the entire course and cannot be opted out. You will be billed on a recurring monthly basis. A receipt will be issued for each payment made. You must continue the monthly payments until the end of the contract stated upon purchase. If found to be in breach of this requirement, legal action will be taken.

If a payment fails, Louise Cox PR will email you requesting payment within 5 working days (please be aware that Stripe may automatically try and take payment before this time). If the payment is not received access to The Product PR Course and associated materials and bonuses will be withdrawn and legal action will be taken. Alternatively, Louise Cox PR reserve the right to request payment for the outstanding months of the agreed plan which is payable immediately.

1.2.1 Refunds and Cancellation
As you are purchasing digital content which includes data which is produced and supplied in digital form and all immediately after purchase, you are only entitled to a refund in limited circumstances.

In purchasing the course you are waiving your rights to a refund unless the statutory circumstances for refunds are met. Should you consider that the digital download is faulty for any reason then please confirm so immediately and a further copy will be provided. Should you have any concerns or questions please contact us on louise@louisecoxpr.co.uk.

1.3 Support

This is a self-study and no support is given. However, you do have the opportunity to join the PR Hub for group support. The aim for this course is that you should be able to access the course material with ease. Should you require any technical support in respect of your PDF download or accessing the pre-recorded videos then we are happy to help you to get up and running. Please email louise@louisecoxpr.co.uk and you will receive a reply between Monday to Friday from 10am until 4pm. We aim to respond to you within two hours if you email during those hours.

Once you have finished going through the course material you may wish to work with Louise Cox PR (product publicity expert) further. If you would be interested in hearing how we can work together further then get in touch email louise@louisecoxpr.co.uk. Please be aware that additional charges will apply to any 1:1 coaching provided. If you’re not looking to work together just yet but you’d love to hear more then come and say hi on Instagram.

2. PR Hub

PR Hub is a membership platform for entrepreneurs who want to support in getting featured in the media The membership is an ongoing commitment where you can get regular support and guidance. The PR Hub is exclusively for those that have completed The Product PR Course or The Christmas PR Project. The aim is to provide support and guidance on the strategies which small business need to successfully get featured in the media.

The information is not tailored to any specific industry or any one person or business but includes information which has been tested and used across a range of different industries. Should you need specific or bespoke support then please contact us to enquire about our 1:1 services.

2.1 Membership Specifics

There are five elements to the membership:

i) Monthly PR Planning Sessions

ii) Fortnightly co-working sessions

iii) Pitch Clinic

iv) Press Requests

v) A Private Facebook Group

Monthly PR Planning Sessions

The live monthly PR Planning will be led by Louise Cox. From time to time they may also be joined by expert coaches and consultants who are specialists in different areas of online businesses. The planning session will take place, either directly in the private Facebook Group or via Zoom (or another similar video conferencing platform) for approximately 1 hour. Unless there are unforeseen circumstances, the video calls will take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 11am. They will be recorded and shared in the private Facebook group.

During each monthly live session, ideas for pitching will be given for the monthly and weekly press. It is also an opportunity to as any questions. The information and guidance shared will be based on years of experience in the PR industry coupled with professional qualifications from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

Fortnightly Co-Working Sessions
Every other week you’ll get the chance to work virtually via zoom and implement PR in your business. These session are held on a Tuesday and/or Thursday fortnightly for 90 minutes via zoom. These are not coaching calls.

Pitch Clinic

In addition to the group PR planning session and co-working sessions you are able to submit a pitch for checking once a month. Details of when the Pitch Clinic is open will be posted in the PR Hub Facebook.

You should email your pitch to louise@louisecoxpr.co.uk who will reply within 48 hours with amendments and suggestions. Louise Cox takes no responsibility if journalists do not reply.

Press Requests

Journalist press requests will be provided. Requests are dependent on the media organisation providing the details of products, tips and advice required for their publications. Press requests will be posted in the private Facebook group and a round up of requests will be emailed daily at 5pm. Louise Cox PR is not able to guarantee requests for specific products or media outlets, not can press coverage be guaranteed.

Private Facebook Group
You will have access to a private Facebook to support you during the Membership. The intention of the Facebook group is to provide community support and a network of individuals at a similar stage of getting publicity for their business and who are facing similar challenges.

From time to Louise Cox may post and offer support in the Facebook Group but there is no guarantee that posts will be responded to immediately or that any Facebook mailboxes will be monitored. Please be advised that whilst we hope that you will be able to utilise the Facebook group, we make no guarantees as to the availability of the group and/or the content within the group at any time.


It is requested that at all times your behaviour towards others is polite and respectful. We will not be held responsible for the behaviour or actions of any other members. Should your behaviour be deemed offensive or inappropriate we reserve the right to remove you from the membership with immediate effect.

2.2 Contact and Schedule

It is the intention that the membership will run continuously and that any training material, PR Planning sessions, Pitch Clinics and Press Requests will be provided as set out above. Should an unforeseen reason arise which cause a session(s) to be postponed they will be re-arranged as soon as possible.

Throughout the membership we will be available by email Monday to Friday between 10am to 4pm via louise@louisecoxpr.co.uk and will respond as soon as possible and within 48 hours during the hours stated. If you have a technical query relating to accessing the membership please include “Tech” in the subject line of your email correspondence.

You may see us post on social media outside of our core hours. Not all of these posts are live and some will be pre-scheduled. We are passionate about supporting everyone in the membership and where we can we may respond to you out of hours but we make no guarantees that this will always be possible.

2.3 Payment Terms

The cost of the membership is set at the time you subscribe. On subscription you will agree to monthly payments via Stripe which will be taken on the same day each month. A receipt will be issued for each payment made.

If a payment fails, Louise Cox PR will email you requesting payment within 5 working days. If the payment is not received access to membership and materials will be withdrawn.

2.3.1 Refunds and Cancellation

It is our aim that you will be completely happy with the Membership and find educational content, networking opportunities and form friendships. However, we appreciate that there may come a time when you wish to leave the Membership.

In accordance with Distance Selling Regulations, you have the right to cancel and obtain a full refund within 14 days from the date of subscription. Refund requests should be made in writing to louise@louisecoxpr.co.uk and a full refund will be provided within 14 working days.

In the event that one or more training sessions have already taken place within the first 14 days following your subscription, you are still entitled to request a refund but the value of the session(s) shall be deducted from the amount paid by you, along with any reasonable costs which have been borne by us in respect of the administrative costs of commencing the membership.

There is no obligation on us to refund any amounts paid where cancellation requests are made following the 14 day cancellation period. Should you wish to cancel your membership you can do at any time by giving 4 days notice and emailing louise@louisecoxpr.co.uk.

We reserve all rights to cancel the programme for any reason without prior notice. In such circumstance a refund will be provided for the remainder of that month as applicable.

3. Christmas PR Wrapped Up
Christmas PR Wrapped Up is a online group programme which provides support and education for product based business to increase their chances of getting featured in the UK Christmas gift guides.

3.1 Program Specifics
There are fours elements to this program:

i) Pre-recorded video trainings and downloads

ii) Christmas Gift Guide Press Requests

iii) Monthly Group Coaching Calls

iv) A Private Facebook Group

Pre-recorded video training and downloads

Following successful purchase of Christmas PR Wrapped Up you will receive access to an 1 hour of pre-recorded video training with checklists and templates. You will then have the opportunity to work through this material in your own time.

The program has been tried and tested by individuals who are over the age of 18 and from various different backgrounds. In working through the material, they have been able to achieve press coverage for their business in the Christmas gift guides in previous years.

Christmas Gift Guide Requests

Christmas gift guide press requests will be provided and posted in the private Facebook group as they come in, with a round up of the days requests sent via email at 4pm.

Requests are dependent on the media organisation providing the details of products, tips and advice required for their publications. Louise Cox PR is not able to guarantee requests for specific products or media outlets, neither can press coverage be guaranteed.

Monthly Group Coaching Calls

The live monthly group coaching calls will be led by Louise Cox. From time to time they may also be joined by expert coaches and consultants who are specialists in different areas of online businesses.

The live session will take place via Zoom (or another similar video conferencing platform) for approximately 1 hour. Unless there are unforeseen circumstances.

During each monthly live session, Louise Cox will answer questions submitted before the live and by those attending live.

Private Facebook Group

You will have access to a private Facebook group to support you during the programme. The intention of the Facebook group is to provide a community support network and enhance the programme experience.

From time to time Louise Cox may post and offer support but there is no guarantee that posts will be responded to or a Facebook mailbox monitored. The substantive method of communication will be via email.

Louise Cox PR do not run or own the Facebook group and make no guarantees that the Facebook group will be available at any specific time.

The aim is to provide support and guidance on the strategies which small business need to successfully get featured in the Christmas press. The information is not tailored to any specific industry or any one person or business but includes information which has been tested and used across a range of different industries. Christmas PR Wrapped Up does not include 1:1 support, should you need specific or bespoke support then please contact Louise Cox PR to enquire about 1:1 services.

3.2 Payment Terms

The cost of the program is £294 and this can be made as one-off payment or in 6 monthly payments of £49 and all purchases are final. (Please see below for details about refunds). A receipt will be issued for each payment made.

Payment monthly is a payment plan for the entire course and cannot be opted out of during the agreed period. You will be billed on a recurring monthly basis. A receipt will be issued for each payment made. You must continue the monthly payments until the end of the contract stated upon purchase. If found to be in breach of this requirement, legal action will be taken.

If a payment fails, Louise Cox PR will email you requesting payment within 5 working days (please be aware that Stripe may automatically try and take payment before this time). If the payment is not received access to Christmas PR Wrapped Up and associated materials will be withdrawn and legal action will be taken. Alternatively, Louise Cox PR reserve the right to request payment for the outstanding months of the agreed plan which is payable immediately.

3.2.1 Refunds and Cancellation

As you are purchasing digital content which includes data which is produced and supplied in digital form you are only entitled to a refund in limited circumstances.

In purchasing this program you are waiving your rights to a refund unless the statutory circumstances for refunds are met.

Should you consider that the digital download is faulty for any reason then please confirm so immediately and a further copy will be provided. Should you have any concerns or questions please contact us on louise@louisecoxpr.co.uk.

4. Privacy and Confidentiality

Your privacy and protection of your personal data is important to us. We will keep your personal data confidential and will never share it with unconnected third parties. Your payment information will be processed by a secure third-party processor. We will be provided with your email address and name but never be provided with your financial information.

For more detail on how we manage your data you can view our privacy policy HERE.

Please be aware that some training sessions may be recorded and your name and image/video may be captured. The recordings of the training will be kept and made available to others on the course. If you provide or share any information within these sessions about yourself or your business that information will be shared within the group. Should you not wish to be recorded please ensure that if you attend any training your camera is switched off and your name field is changed to “Attendee” with your initial so that support can still be offered but no personal identifiable information will be captured.

During the duration of the PR Hub and Christmas PR Project you may have access to confidential information, in particular the personal affairs of others in the membership. In accepting these terms, you agree that you will not use or disclose to any person, organisation or company, and shall use your best endeavours to prevent the publication of, any confidential information relating to any other member.   You accept that any unauthorised disclosure of personal or confidential information belonging to another may amount to immediate dismissal from the membership. Should you decide to leave the Membership then you remain bound by the confidentiality and privacy obligations.

5. Disclaimers

The aim of The Product PR Course, PR Hub and/or The Christmas PR Project offered by Louise Cox PR is to give to the tools, strategies and guidance to do you own PR to increase your chances of getting press coverage.

We make no guarantees or claims as to the success of any member. Each individual is unique and their business and processes are unique to them. The aim is that by working through the trainings and resources and taking advantage of all of the elements which each course, membership and/or program has to offer you will have new information, strategies and techniques to create press coverage for your business.

All information provided will be general information and guidance and will not be bespoke advice. We are not responsible for any action or inaction which you take as a result of the information within the membership. We are not responsible for any loss of opportunity or any investments which you make.

6. Intellectual Property

You will be provided with course materials. At all times, even following purchase, the intellectual property rights and copyright connected with those materials remain us, Louise Cox PR. You have the right to use the materials as learning tools but you are not permitted to duplicate, imitate or provide copies to third parties whether for free or as part of a sale

7. Feedback and Complaints

If you have any feedback about the course please do share it with us. It is always great to receive words of praise and also helpful to get constructive comments. We really hope that you love this course as much as we do but if you would like to make a complaint this should be made to made in writing to louise@louisecoxpr.co.uk.

8. General

Throughout the courses, memberships and programs Louise Cox will be available by email Monday to Friday between 10am to 4pm. Louise Cox will respond as soon as possible and within 48 hours during the hours stated.

We intend to rely on the written terms set out in these terms and conditions in respect of the course or membership delivered to you. These written terms shall constitute the entire agreement between us.

Should there be any conflict between these terms and any course/membership hosting platform or payment gateway, these terms shall prevail.

If any provision or part-provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any such modification or deletion shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these terms and conditions.

These Terms are governed by the laws of England & Wales. The Courts of England & Wales have exclusive jurisdiction over any matter and proceedings arising out of your purchase of the course.  


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

© Copyright 2023 Louise Cox PR